Terms and Conditions

Snap2Cook Pty Ltd ACN 671 405 922  
Web-site Terms and Conditions 
This is a website operated by Snap2Cook Pty Ltd ACN 671 405 922 (Snap2Cookunder the domain name "www.[TBA].com" (Snap2Cook Website ).  

Your access to and use of the website and the information, graphics and materials on the Snap2Cook website (Website Material) is governed by these terms of use and the privacy statement. 

The Snap2Cook website may contain links to other websites operated by third parties (TP websites), which may include information, graphics and other materials (TP Material).  

Snap2Cook makes no warranties or representations:  
  • regarding the quality, accuracy, merchantability or fitness for purpose of TP Material or products or services available through TP websites; or 

  • that TP Material does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person Snap2Cook is not authorising the reproduction of TP Material by linking TP Material on this website to TP Material.  

When you follow a link on the Snap2Cook website, material at a TP website may be displayed in your browser framed by material on this website. This framed material is also TP Material for the purpose of these terms.

All offers to sell and statements relating to goods and services available on TP websites are the responsibility of and given by the TP website operator. To the extent offers and statements are made on the Snap2Cook website, such offers and statements are made by Snap2Cook on behalf of the operator of the TP website. Snap2Cook expressly disclaims acting in any other respect on behalf of TP website operators.  

Snap2Cook may receive payments from operators of TP websites in relation to goods or services supplied by the operator as a result of you linking to the Third Party website from the Snap2Cook website.

Unless otherwise indicated software downloads available via links from the Snap2Cook website are third party products. These products may be subject to a licence agreement between you and the relevant product owner. To the extent permitted by law, Snap2Cook accepts no liability in respect of such third party products and Snap2Cook provide no warranty and give no endorsement in respect of such products or any party connected with them. We do, however, welcome your feedback or suggestions concerning these products.  

Material on this website may contain general information about Snap2Cook products and services and does not, unless otherwise stated, constitute an offer or inducement to acquire those products and services. 
Unless expressly agreed otherwise:  
  • products and services discussed in the section of the Snap2Cook website which refers to Australian operations of any Snap2Cook member (Australian Section) are designed and intended to be used only by Australian residents. Unless otherwise stated, these products and services are generally not available to non-Australian residents because they may not comply with non-Australian laws; and  

  • unless otherwise stated, products and services discussed in sections of the Snap2Cook website which refer to the various non-Australian operations of any Snap2Cook group member or discussed in websites operated by any Snap2Cook Group member outside Australia and linked to the Snap2Cook website (International Sections) are designed and intended to be used only by residents of the jurisdiction to which a particular International Section applies, and only to the extent that those products and services comply with the laws of that jurisdiction.  

Snap2Cook does not guarantee that the Snap2Cook website or TP websites will be free from viruses, or that access to the Snap2Cook website or TP websites will be uninterrupted.  

Subject to any responsibilities implied by law and which cannot be excluded, Snap2Cook is not liable to you for any loss or damage as a result of you relying on any Material or being unable to access this website, except for loss or damage caused by Snap2Cook’s negligence, fraud or wilful misconduct.  

Unless expressly agreed otherwise:  

  • the Australian section is provided for use only by Australian residents. The law applicable to use of the Australian section and to disputes arising out of the Australian section is the law of the State of Western Australia, Australia; and 
  • each International Section is provided for use only by residents of the jurisdiction to which that International Section applies. The law applicable to use of each International Section and to disputes arising out of the International Section is the law of that jurisdiction.  

Copyright in the material on this website is owned or licensed by the Snap2Cook.  

Except where necessary for viewing the Material on this website on your browser, or as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws or these terms of use, no material on this website may be reproduced, adapted, uploaded to a third party, linked to, framed, performed in public, distributed or transmitted in any form by any process without the specific written consent of Snap2Cook.  

“Snap2Cook”, and all associated trademarks, are Snap2Cook’s trademarks.  
Please contact Snap2Cook if you would like to place a link to any part of the Snap2Cook website.  
You acknowledge and accept that your use of the Snap2Cook website indicates your acceptance of these terms of use and the privacy statement.  

Snap2Cook may at any time vary the terms of use by publishing the varied terms of use on the Snap2Cook website. You accept that by doing this, Snap2Cook has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.  Snap2Cook reserves any rights not expressly granted in these terms of use.